Tiferet Lapidot

OH TiferetLapidot

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כתב ידו של אדם יחודי ואין דומה לו. הוא משקף משהו מאישיותו, משהו ממנו. יצירת פונט (גופן) על שמו – תשאיר בעולמנו אות חיים ממנו.

מוזמנים להתנסות בגופן!

35 PT
כתב ידו של אדם יחודי ואין דומה לו. הוא משקף משהו מאישיותו, משהו ממנו. יצירת פונט (גופן) על שמו – תשאיר בעולמנו אות חיים ממנו.

Tiferet Lapidot z”l

2000 - 2023

Our beloved Tiferet Lapidot. From Harish. Daughter of Ohad and Sarit, second of seven children. A child of light and freedom, with a heart as big as Australia, authentic and the funniest in the world, with an infectious laugh. Full of connection to herself and to God. A human magnet and glue, who takes everyone around her on a great experience of belonging.

She would see in seconds into the soul of whoever sat in front of her, with listening and sensitive eyes, not intrusively but with deep, deep listening that ended in complete acceptance.

A true friend until the last moment of her life.

A real wonder of the world.


The story of her death is the story of her life.

Tiferet was human glue, connecting people who in everyday life are like oil and water to each other. But somehow when she was in the middle – it worked. Well.

Tiferet was a friend with all 248 of her organs, but not just a fun friend. A friend of her friends’ souls. She bypassed people’s defenses and could dive with them in an instant to the depths of their souls.

Tiferet was on vacation, from a very long trip. A year and seven months before she was murdered, she traveled in Africa, India, Sri Lanka, back to India, and from there to Australia where she had just begun her journey. She returned to Israel for a holiday visit and had a return ticket to Australia for the day before her burial…

Tiferet arrived at the Nova Party at 5:30 in the morning(!) with a friend named Ido and there they met friends from her travels around the world. The rockets started, she stayed to laugh at her friends “I raised and nurtured settlers” for folding so quickly.

In the end, her friends decided they were also evacuating because it didn’t look like the Party would continue.

Tiferet was supposed to return with Ido whom she came with – and before she got into the car she noticed that Rini Zigdon, a good friend of hers, was traveling alone. So she closed the door and told Ido – I’ll ride with Rini so she won’t be alone. Ido finished the ride in his off-road vehicle with 10 people on it.

Rini and Tiferet hid in the bushes, Tiferet called her parents (a religious family so they only answered on the second call) and told her parents that there were terrorists and burned cars “I just wanted you to know”… Basically, she understood that this was a very tough event that she might not come out of safely and simply called to say goodbye.

Tiferet and Rini (may God avenge their blood) were murdered together.

In our eyes, Tiferet was murdered while fulfilling her duty as a friend.

At the right moment, she chose what led her in her short life – to be a true friend, but truly.

We already miss your laugh, your silliness, the soul conversations with you, the crazy stories that only happen to you.

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פרטים טכניים

OH TiferetLapidot

מספר גרסה: 1.5

שפות: עברית, אנגלית

תווים מיוחדים: קיימים

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