Rotem Levy

OH RotemLevy

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כתב ידו של אדם יחודי ואין דומה לו. הוא משקף משהו מאישיותו, משהו ממנו. יצירת פונט (גופן) על שמו – תשאיר בעולמנו אות חיים ממנו.

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35 PT
כתב ידו של אדם יחודי ואין דומה לו. הוא משקף משהו מאישיותו, משהו ממנו. יצירת פונט (גופן) על שמו – תשאיר בעולמנו אות חיים ממנו.

CPT (Res.) Rotem Levy Z”L

1999 - 2023

At the age of 24, he was the son of Assi and Michal, married to his beloved Shem, and brother to Roy, Adva, and Noga. He grew up in the settlement of Oranit.

Rotem served in the Yahalom unit and went on to the officer and company commander courses. He always pushed himself to do as much as possible in the most challenging paths. He was full of optimism and joy for life. Rotem was goal-oriented with a clear head on his shoulders, yet he also possessed an exceptional sensitivity and love for people, evident even in his youth when he volunteered for Magen David Adom and organized a summer camp for children with special needs. He had a natural leadership ability and a talent for bringing people together with simplicity, love, and sensitivity.

His relationship with Shem was remarkable; they were a special couple, together since the age of 17, and their love was apparent to everyone. They married in July 2021 after about four years of dating. After his military service, they traveled together for eight months in South America.

Rotem was a passionate fan of Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball; the fan community was an inseparable part of his heart, and his support for the team flowed through his veins. He was also responsible for the scenery of the Gate11 organization.

Rotem spoke little but accomplished a lot. He grew to be a man with quiet leadership and a backbone of steel, serving as a point of support and anchor for everyone around him. In Rotem, there was a rare combination of uncompromising task-oriented leadership and maximum sensitivity to people. He felt a profound sense of meaning in his military service and everything he did. He loved the State of Israel deeply and was buried in its soil. Always with a big smile that instilled confidence—he taught us love for humanity and love for life.

Rotem served as the deputy company commander in the Yahalom unit and fell in battle in Shejaiya in the Gaza Strip on December 18, 2023, during the Iron Swords War, while leading his soldiers during a mission inside a structure.

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פרטים טכניים

OH RotemLevy

מספר גרסה: 1.5

שפות: עברית, אנגלית

תווים מיוחדים: קיימים

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