Chen Buchris

OH ChenBuchris

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כתב ידו של אדם יחודי ואין דומה לו. הוא משקף משהו מאישיותו, משהו ממנו. יצירת פונט (גופן) על שמו – תשאיר בעולמנו אות חיים ממנו.

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35 PT
כתב ידו של אדם יחודי ואין דומה לו. הוא משקף משהו מאישיותו, משהו ממנו. יצירת פונט (גופן) על שמו – תשאיר בעולמנו אות חיים ממנו.

MAJ Chen Buchris Z”L

1997 - 2023

The youngest son of Osnat and Nissim, born and raised in Ashdod, and brother to Liel, Chaim, Shalom, and Matzada. He was 26 years old at the time of his death.

Chen studied at “Geulim” School and graduated with high honors from Makif Gimel High School, excelling in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. He loved the sea and was passionate about sports and fitness, particularly running and soccer. He would train for hours daily. “Even in neighborhood soccer games, he wouldn’t allow his friends to argue,” said one friend.

In the months leading up to his enlistment, Chen volunteered as a teacher at “Ilanot” Elementary School in Ashdod. There, he worked with students struggling with their studies, using his unique combination of determination and sensitivity to help them improve in reading and math, incorporating elements of sports into his teaching. Thanks to his methods, students made great progress, succeeding where many other teachers had failed.

Chen was initially selected for the elite Shayetet 13 unit but ultimately enlisted in the Paratroopers Brigade, serving his early years in Battalion 202. He stood out even during basic training, being marked for leadership roles. He commanded many high-intensity operations and was described as a consummate professional with quiet leadership.

He dedicated himself fully to his military and command roles, driven by a strong sense of purpose and belief in the righteousness of his path. In the little free time he had, Chen studied the “Path of the Just” by the Ramchal, delving into issues of morality and self-refinement.

Between training and operations, he wrote down thoughts, reflections, and motivating phrases. “The ups and downs are part of the journey,” he once wrote to himself, “so why are you so startled?”

His skills eventually led him to the elite “Maglan” unit of the Commando Brigade. Only a year after joining the unit, Chen set another record when he was appointed deputy commander of the “Maglan” unit at the young age of 26. “There are people around us who carry great light,” wrote one of his colleagues. “Wherever they go, they ignite sparks in others. Chen’s light was the brightest I’ve ever seen. One look from him fills you with the strength to act; one conversation, and you’re filled with meaning.”

Major Chen Bukhris, deputy commander of the “Maglan” Commando Unit, fell in battle while defending Kibbutz Nahal Oz on Saturday, October 7, 2023. Together with two other Maglan fighters, Afik Rosenthal and Yiftach Yaavetz, he was among the first to defend the homeland without hesitation. As he often told his soldiers: “No excuses – only results.”

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פרטים טכניים

OH ChenBuchris

מספר גרסה: 1.5

שפות: עברית, אנגלית

תווים מיוחדים: קיימים

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