Eyal Meir Berkowitz

OH EyalMeirBerkowitz

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כתב ידו של אדם יחודי ואין דומה לו. הוא משקף משהו מאישיותו, משהו ממנו. יצירת פונט (גופן) על שמו – תשאיר בעולמנו אות חיים ממנו.

מוזמנים להתנסות בגופן!

35 PT
כתב ידו של אדם יחודי ואין דומה לו. הוא משקף משהו מאישיותו, משהו ממנו. יצירת פונט (גופן) על שמו – תשאיר בעולמנו אות חיים ממנו.

SFC (Res.) Eyal Meir Berkowitz z”l

1995 - 2023

Eyal was born in Be’er Sheva on the 26th of Av 5755, August 22, 1995. 

When Eyal was 3 years old, his family went on a 3-year mission to New Zealand. 

Upon their return to Israel, they moved to Susya. Eyal studied at the regional school and the Susya high school yeshiva. After finishing high school, Eyal began studying at the “Bnei David” higher yeshiva in Eli, where he stood out for his sharpness, persistence, and exceptional memory. In the yeshiva, he also revealed himself as a gifted painter. After three years in the yeshiva, Eyal enlisted in the General Staff Reconnaissance Unit (Matkal Unit) and from there continued to the Maglan Unit, where he served until his last day in various command positions.

After his discharge from the army, Eyal went on a long trip to New Zealand and enrolled in medical studies at the Hebrew University. Just before his fall, he was about to start his second year at the medical school. At the same time, he volunteered with the “Nofshon Shomron” NGO, which assists adults with various disabilities and organizes sabbaticals for them, where he met Michal Broyer.

On the 20th of Kislev 5783, December 14, 2022, a year and four days before his fall, Eyal and Michal got married and lived in Jerusalem.

On Thursday, the 24th of Kislev 5784, December 7, 2023, just hours before lighting the first Hanukkah candle, Eyal Meir’s great light was extinguished. He was 28 years old.

Eyal was killed, along with his team member Gal Meir Eisenkot, as a result of an explosion while they were on a mission to rescue hostages and missing persons on the outskirts of Jabalia.

May his memory be a blessing!

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פרטים טכניים

OH EyalMeirBerkowitz

מספר גרסה: 1.5

שפות: עברית, אנגלית

תווים מיוחדים: קיימים

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