Yehonatan Tzor (‘Barnash’)

OH YehonatanTzor

כתב ידו של אדם יחודי ואין דומה לו. הוא משקף משהו מאישיותו, משהו ממנו. יצירת פונט (גופן) על שמו – תשאיר בעולמנו אות חיים ממנו.

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כתב ידו של אדם יחודי ואין דומה לו. הוא משקף משהו מאישיותו, משהו ממנו. יצירת פונט (גופן) על שמו – תשאיר בעולמנו אות חיים ממנו.

Lt. Col. Yehonatan Tzor (‘Barnash’) Z”L

1989 - 2023

Lt. Col. Yehonatan Binyamin Tzur, “Barnash,” was born on the 19th of Kislev, 5750 (1989), in the settlement of Yitzhar in the Shomron.

The son of Rivka and Chaim Uriel.

Brother to Tzruya, Achinoam, Asahel, Oriya, Netanel, Shir, Avigail, and Yiska.

Husband to Rashit and father to Neta, Arbel, and Dagan.

A true son of the Shomron, a legend in both life and death. Brave, athletic, creative, knowledgeable, and, most importantly, a man of truth, deeply connected to his people and his land, to the point of giving his life for them.

Yehonatan enlisted in the Shaldag unit, from which he graduated as an officer. He then held various roles, including commander and platoon leader in the Rimon unit, company commander of the reconnaissance unit, and operations officer in the Givati Brigade, ultimately leading the Nahal reconnaissance battalion.

On the morning of Simchat Torah, October 7, 2023, Barnash rushed to the front lines to defend his soldiers and commander in battle.

Lt. Col. Barnash stopped the advance of the terrorists and led to their retreat along route 241 in a brave fight in which he fell.

Barnash left behind a legacy of courage and Jewish pride that has been instilled in all—parents, siblings, wife, children, close friends, and soldiers, to whom he was like an older brother and protector.

Yehonatan Binyamin Tzur, Barnash, Jones.

Son, father, husband, brother, commander, and friend,

May your memory be blessed!

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פרטים טכניים

OH YehonatanTzor

מספר גרסה: 1.5

שפות: עברית, אנגלית

תווים מיוחדים: קיימים

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